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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2011



About Us

Ever since it began producing chocolates in 1971, Barion has developed its product line while seeking both quality and innovation.

Today, it is recognized as a major national specialist in wafer production and for its irresistible combinations with chocolate, launching sales successes such as cookies and Easter eggs using these ingredients.

In 2004, Barion began to restructure its management method and revitalize its product line in search of new fronts of operation.

From its careful planning of the new brand to the redesign of its packaging, the company implemented several different actions to create a new institutional image that inspires modernity and trust, effectively transmitting the current moment lived by the company and its constant search for its clients\ complete satisfaction.

Even though it has become an industrialized and modern company, it still uses the “seven secret keys” such as its famous honey biscuit recipe created by the family’s great grandmother.

The quality of Barion products is the result of work that involves permanent training of the company\s human resources and the establishment of a strong partnership with universities, in addition to its frequent participation in technology development courses.

Barion currently develops high quality programs designed primarily to improve the company’s competitiveness within an international standard, technological improvements, management training and the successful entry into new markets.

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Business type

  • chocolate cookies wafers bombom candy

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Claudio ********
  • icone de telefone +55 41********
  • map-marker Colombo / PA | Brazil

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