Dear Sirs,
very pleasure, we are BRAZIL STONES, we are located in the city of Vitória, state of Espírito Santo - BR, a company specialized in Brazilian ornamental stones, such as: marble, granite and quartizito, both in block and in plates.
We export exotic stones too, such as: patagonia, apolo, lirya, witerwood, atlatic, mercury, marble oceanic, manhatan black, aplinus, alba, evolution black, nero galaxy, black ocean, black mist, blanc du blanc, lava vechni, grey dune, botanic... and we can look for other exotic stones that are of interest to you. We export the basic ones too: acqua marine 1, valley nevado, white dallas 2 and atacama white.
We collect the stones directly from the main quarries of Vitória - state of Espírito Santo/Brazil, as well as the main quarries of other states, and give you the treatment you want.
Contact us through our email: and send us your request so that you can prove the quality of our stones.