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Coabra Cooperativa Agro Industrial Do Centro Oeste Do Brasil

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

The Coabra Cooperativa Agroindustrial do Centro Oeste do Brazil, was established in Campo Grande, MS on 11/03/2000, by a group of 38 farmers in the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, anxious to reduce their costs and add value for their production.

Then embarked on a joint import of raw materials (NPK) fertilizer for consuming, seeking also the direct marketing of their produce.

Initially, all services have been outsourced and businesses were conducted by the company and CB Management Services Ltda. Through Bué Sardenberg Luiz Guilherme Sardenberg, Dorival Roncon Guarenghi and Francisco Neto Antonio Rizzo. The founders determined the ban commitments without the security of others and were then signed partnerships with suppliers of inputs and buyers of grain and fiber, leveraging the resources required for implementation of crops, as well as the marketing of cooperative production.

Today, completing 11 years of its creation, Coabra has a respected name in Brazil and abroad.

Their chairmen were: Ferrucio Pinesso Gilson, the foundation until the year 2004, being replaced by ERAI Maggi Scheffer, 2004 until 2006 when he assumed the current president, José Nelson Vigolo.

In July 2010, by decision of the cooperative members in the EGM, the headquarters was transferred to Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, MT.

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Coabra Cooperativa Agro Industrial Do Centro Oeste Do Brasil

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Business type

  • farmer
  • production
  • raw materials
  • npk
  • fertilizer
  • consuming
  • seeking
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Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Luiz ********
  • icone de telefone +55 41********
  • map-marker RONDONOPOLIS / MA | Brazil

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