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Fbr4 Imp. E Exp. Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2011



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Events Logistics


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Service area:


Logistics on events and temporary admission, operating on the organization of events at all structural commercial and logistics aspects, offering our clients the best solutions for a safe and fast transfer.<br><br>We offer our clients the most up-to-date transportation and logistics solutions. We render assistance in events organization in all structural, commercial and logistics levels, offering our clients the best solutions for a safe and prompt transfer.<br> <br> <br>We work in a serious and committed way so we may attend the needs and peculiarities of each project. We render services to various segments in the business market, providing a quality and personalized service. We offer storage, customer clearance, insurance and goods distribution services. <br><br>SHOWS<br><br>FBR operates in the organization of large scale shows, tours and concerts within the country or abroad, international and domestic transfer (air, maritime and roadway transportation), customer clearance, storage and logistic assistance, ensuring the success of your project. <br><br>CULTURAL EVENTS<br><br>We perform logistics projects for various cultural events such as theater plays, art exhibitions, museum exhibitions and circus activities. <br><br>FBR is expertise on delicate cargo handling, with the safety and speed you need to deliver your goods.<br><br>FAIRS AND CONGRESSES<br><br>FBR offers the best on logistics assistance, importation and temporary exportation of material for fair, congresses, exhibitions and corporate events. We work with highly qualified personnel and with broad experience on this kind of service, so we ensure safety and guarantee the performance of our services.<br><br>AUDIOVISUALS PRODUCTIONS<br><br>FBR has a highly qualified and specialized team able to assist in film shooting, TV commercials, and documentary program projects, or any other project related to audio-visual productions. We transport equipment as well as the entire operation team involved in the project.<br><br>SPORT EVENTS<br><br>FBR operates in customer clearance, transportations, storage and logistics of equipment for all kinds of sport events, from the sound and lights for international games to uniforms for the Brazilian teams of any modality.<br> <br><br><br>

  • events logistics planning

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Fbr4 Imp. E Exp. Ltda.

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Business type

  • foodstuffs
  • logistics and trade assistance seafood cachaca tropical fruit

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Urbano ********
  • icone de telefone +55 21********
  • map-marker Rio de Janeiro / RJ | Brazil

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