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Herbal Drugs

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Since 2008



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Herbs And Herbal Drugs

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We export herbal drugs, the most prominent herbal drugs exported from Brazil being:<br><br> Cola Vera: Kola Nut<br> Tabepuia heptaphilla (Vell) Toledo<br> Ptychopetalum olacoids Bentham<br> Cephaelis ipecacuanha A. Rich: Ipecac<br> Pilocarpus jaborandi Holmes: Jaborandi<br> Myrcia sphaerocarpa DC<br> Anona muricata L. <br> Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hil.: Paraguay Tea<br> Persea Gratissima Gaertn: Avocado<br> Curcuma longa L.: Curry<br> Cynara Scolymus L.: Garden Artichoke<br> Medicago sativa L.: Alfalfa<br> Gossypium herbaceum L.: Cotton Plant<br> Artemisia Vulgaris L.: Wormwood<br> Baccharis triptera M. var. Crispa: Baccharis<br> Desmodium adscendens DC.<br> Equisetum sp. <br> Symphytum officinale L.: Common Conftrey<br> Dipterix Odorata Willd: Tongo Bean<br> Maytenus ilicifolia Martius<br>Pfaffia paniculata (Martius) Kuntze <br> Paullinia cupana H.B.K.: Guarana Bread<br> Bixa orellana L.: Annato Tree<br> Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni: <br> Smilax officinalis H.B.K: Wild Liquorice<br> Quassia Amara L.: Bitter Wood<br><br>

  • herbal drugs Phytoterapic Marítimes
  • oils balsam homeopathic essences beverages

Production Capacity:

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Delivery Timeframe:

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Herbal Drugs

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50M - 100M

Sales volume (USD)

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Business type
  • Distributor / Wholesaler

  • herbal drugs Phytoterapic Marítimes
  • oils balsam homeopathic essences beverages
  • spices teas

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Célia ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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