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Jasmine Comercio De Produtos Alimenticios Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



About Us

Founded in January 1990, JASMINE Alimentos is a reference in natural foods, organic and integrated in Brazil.

Currently we have more than 90 items in our portfolio of natural products and integrated, among which feature the lines of morning cereal, cookies and crackers, soybean and derivatives and farinaceous full. In addition, Jasmine also has a line of organic products certified by the IBD - Institute Biodinâmica, in accordance with international standards of control and traceability, from production in the country until the processing and packaging of products.

The Jasmine philosophy is to promote the health and well-being, leading consumers to healthy foods with taste and quality differential. Therefore, the company invests in research and development of products made with raw materials selected, adding more value to the consumer.

With a different production process that preserves the nutrients from food, Jasmine products are more nutritious and tasty, free of chemical additives, artificial preservatives and other elements harmful to humans and the environment. Even using modern technology, food developed by the company maintains special characteristics of flavor and texture that give the products a unique flair and craft.

For 18 yearsthe company has operated with a strong environmental and social consciousness, contributing so that future generations can enjoy a better world by encouraging a new lifestyle, where the health and well-being are essential.

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Jasmine Comercio De Produtos Alimenticios Ltda.

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Business type

  • healthy food natural

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Hewerton ********
  • icone de telefone +55 41********
  • map-marker Curitiba / PA | Brazil

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