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Mns-comercio de Produtos Agropecuarios Ltda

Verified company Verified company

Since 2024



About Us

Starting out with just three products, carrots, beet and potatoes, they began a long history of tireless work and respect for the entire production chain. From the first headquarters acquired in 1996, they have continued to invest in infrastructure and logistics to expand their product and service mix, as well as a work methodology based on ethics, partnership and the pursuit of excellence. Today, the MNS Group stands out as one of the best distributors of healthy FLV (Fruit, Vegetables and Vegetables) mushrooms, roots and Cereals in the country, with a presence in all regions of the country and the main retail chains, 7 FLV distribution centers, its own supermarket chain, import and export operations, a Cereal Classification, Drying and Storage Unit, international certifications for good agricultural practices and awards for excellence in the sector.

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Mns-comercio de Produtos Agropecuarios Ltda

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • Agriculture

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Helio ********
  • icone de telefone +55 15********
  • map-marker Pilar do Sul / SP | Brazil

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