We produce health and fitness foods and supplements in the following product lines:<br><br> Professional Line: 100\% Pure Whey Protein; 3 Whey Protein; Amino Fluid 37000 No2; Amino No Xplode; AMINO POWER 4800 NO2; Amino Power 6000; Amino Power Plus; BCAA DRINK; Carb Up; Carb Up Gel; Extra Pack No 2; IGF1 NO LIMIT; L- GLUTAMINE; Massa No Explode; Megabolic Super No2; Monster Nitro Pack No 2; PRO BCAA BOUND; Thermoshake Diet; Whey Bar Low Carb..<br><br> Millenium Line: Body Charger Acelerator Alpha; Dextrose Millennium; Liquid Amino Millennium; Millennium Hiper Whey; Millennium Massa Nitro NO2; Millennium Mega Maltodextrin; Millennium Super Albumin; Pro Whey Protein Millennium..<br><br> Pro Health Line: Calci-Milk; DiabeT Shake Diet; Guaraná Do Brasil; Iso Flav; Óleo de Prímula; Ômega 3 em Cápsulas; Quitosana.<br><br> Cosmetic Nutrition: Beauty Inside Skincare. <br><br> Red Nose: Xtreme Bar.<br><br>Our products fall into the following categories:<br> Amino Acids<br> Body Definition<br> Cosmetic Nutrition<br> Energetics<br> Hypertrophy<br> Life Quality<br> Proteins<br><br><br>
- Health and Fitness Foods and Supplements
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Probiótica Laboratórios Ltda.
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Business type
- healthy food medications
Contact and location
Joaquim ********
+55 62********
Embu / SP | Brazil