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Since 2021



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Frozen Atlantic Mackerel Supplier / Scomber Scombrus For Sale / Frozen Herring Fish Exporter

Unit Price:

USD 1,11

FOB Price:

USD 1,00

Minimum Order Quantity:

20 Ton

Type of Payment:

L/C (Letter of Credit)

T/T (Wire Transfer)

Preferred Port:



Not informed


supply live, chilled, fresh and frozen Norwegian SeafoodProducts such as Blue Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Atlantic Cod(Gadus morhua), Saithe fish Coalfish (Pollachius virens), Queen scallop(Chlamys), Capelin fish (Mallotus villosus), Atlantic Mackerel (ScomberScombrus), Atlantic Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Frozen Atlantic Herring(Clupea Harengus), Live King Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus),Monkfish, Anglerfish, Skate (Rajidae spp), Tusk, cusk (Brosme brosme),Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), Turbot (Psetta maximus), Redfish (Sebastesmarinus/Sebastes), Sea Urchin, Deepwater Norwegian Prawn, Red Shrimp,Live Norway Lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus), Haddock fish (Melanogrammusaeglefinus), Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), CodFishMaw Hake Fish, Black Tiger Shrimp, Grey mullet (Mugilidae),Kingfish, Stock fish, Mullet( Red fish), Dungness Crab(Metacarcinus magister),Brown Crab, Octopus, Squid and many others…..

Fresh Product:
Fresh Salmon Fish
Fresh Gutted Salmon HON
Fresh Whole Gutted Trout Fish
Fresh Mullet Fish
Fresh Cod Skrei Fish
Fresh Cod Fish
Fresh Salmon Trim B, C, D and Trim E
Fresh Lobsters
Live Whole King Crab
Live Whole Lobsters
Fresh Salmon Fillets
Fresh Cod Fillets
Fresh King Crab
Fresh Halibut
Fresh Saithe Fish
Fresh king crab and others...

Frozen Product:
Atlantic Salmon fish
Atlantic Cod fish
Atlantic Mackerel
Atlantic Mullet
Frozen king crab legs with clusters
Frozen snow crabs legs
Atlantic Halibut fish
Atlantic Ling Fish
Frozen Tiger Shrimp
Frozen Scallop
Frozen Hake fish
Frozen Turbot Fish
Frozen Capelin Fish
Frozen Ling Fish
Frozen Atlantic Salmon
Frozen Cod Fish
Frozen Cod Roe
Frozen Cod Bladder
Frozen Salmon Heads
Frozen Salmon Bellies
Frozen Salmon Fillets
Frozen Salmon Backbones
Frozen Cod Fillets
Frozen Whole Lobsters
Frozen Scallop Meat
Frozen King Crab Legs

Value Added Product:
Fresh & Frozen Salmon fillet
Clean Cod Maw (Cod Swim Bladder)
Clean Cod Heads
Frozen Salmon Bellies
Frozen Gutted Salmon HON
Fresh and Frozen Cod Fillet
Clean Frozen Cod Roe
Clean Cod Backbones / Cod FishMaw
Cooked King Crab Legs & Clusters
Cooked Frozen Lobster Tails
Frozen Salmon Heads 400gram and plus

  • mackerel

Production Capacity:


Delivery Timeframe:



Not informed

Packaging Details:

Not informed

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Importer / Trading Company
  • Distributor / Wholesaler

  • frozen chicken
  • Frozen seafood
  • frozen pork meat
  • frozen beef
  • salmon fish
  • mackerel
  • sunflower oil
  • sugar
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Suntrade ********
  • icone de telefone +380 ********
  • map-marker Kyiv / Kyiv | Ukraine

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