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Tfl Do Brasil Industria Quimica Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

TFL is a globally operating company offering specialty chemicals for the leather industry. It is the only company of its size exclusively focused on solutions for leather manufacturing.

TFL’s business activities consist of the development, production and marketing of specialty chemicals such as tanning agents and dyestuffs, with which our customers, the tanneries, create leather. In addition, we support our customers and their business partners with tailor-made solutions for the whole leather manufacturing process – from beamhouse through to finishing.

In 14 countries with 19 subsidiaries on three continents, over 1’000 employees work for the company, making it one of the top leather chemicals companies in the world. TFL has an active presence in 90 countries aided by the activities of about 50 agents and distributors.
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It is TFL’s aim to continuously evaluate additional fields of application and bringing fresh ideas onto the leather market. For our customer’s we create enthusiasm with new ideas and innovative concepts.
TFL - creating innovation.

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Tfl Do Brasil Industria Quimica Ltda.

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Business type

  • specialty chemicals
  • leather industry
  • company
  • size
  • exclusively
  • focused
  • solutions
  • manufacturing
  • business activities
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Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Marilene ********
  • icone de telefone +55 51********
  • map-marker SAO LEOPOLDO / RS | Brazil

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