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Cerutti Tombini Temperos E Condimentos Ltda Epp

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2010



About Us

Cerutti Tombini started their activities in June 1989, in Palmitos -SC-Brazil, industrializing the Seasonig for Barbecue, complete Seasonig and Concentrated Seasonig.

In 1996, extended their offer of products, increasing the pickles of cucumber and corn, using the integration system in raw material production, with 20 families of denizem farmers from Palmitos that, up to now, continue with this partnership, but with more families and including another cities, bringing incomes to the farmer.

More about
Cerutti Tombini Temperos E Condimentos Ltda Epp

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Business type

  • BDB cooking gourmet seasoning season spices pickles cucumber corn

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Odanor ********
  • icone de telefone +55 49********
  • map-marker PALMITOS / SC | Brazil

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