We, from Cristália Lab, assume our social role by developing a positive relationship with the communities where we are inserted and with the environment, believing that, through our actions we can contribute to a better world. Social Responsibility and Sustainability are being practised by the development of programs to live up to our standpoints.
Every year, several educational activities are developed, such as educational projects for children, donation of medicine to health programs, and a contribution that provides educational materials and resources to a large number of institutions which offer aid and assistance to poor communities.
For many years, our commitment towards the environment has included goals and plans to properly manage residues of our processes. It\\s important to point out that all residues produced in our manufacturing units are burned and destroyed by specialized companies, in accordance to the local legislation.
The creation of about 8,000 direct and indirect jobs and the offering to the market limited prices on high quality drugs, which allows the treatment to a great number of Brazilian citizens, reflect our social contribution. We also emphasize the work of Brazilian scientists of a large number of universities within the country.
As a result of our performance, we generate job opportunities and development for Brazilian scientists, producing alternatives to create medicines at low cost - which contribute to the optimization of resources of the governmental programs, increasing the access to health solutions for a larger group of people in need.