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Frangos Averama

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2013



About Us

AVERAMA is the result from a dream: to bring quality food to consumers worldwide.

For this dream is complete, a lot happens until the AVERAMA chickens come with the necessary quality to the table of people from all over Brazil and 16 other countries.

In AVERAMA, numbers and processes demonstrate what we are. There are 4 million birds being created from our farms with daily slaughter of up to 160,000 birds.

There are 10 million eggs stored in its own hatchery, a number that makes it one of the largest in Latin America, with a structure of Italian high-tech equipment.

In addition, the company has a department of quality control, ensuring safety and a special flavor to AVERAMA products.

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Frangos Averama

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Business type

  • chicken
  • halal chicken

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Celio ********
  • icone de telefone +55 44********
  • map-marker UMUARAMA / PA | Brazil

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