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Kinsho Alimentos Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2023



About Us

OUR MISSION Bring people nutrition, health and well-being, through a functional, balanced and practical diet based on mushrooms. OUR ESSENCE We are made of passion for mushrooms. We develop products with a lot of reason, love and purpose. WHAT WE AIM FOR Develop functional, mushroom-based food in a new way that combines pleasure and health. Pleasure because we are talking about foods differentiated by their flavors and characteristic odors and, health because mushrooms are known to be rich in vitamins and proteins, which when in simple recipes, can be on many Brazilian tables. WHAT SETS US APART Respect for the people who develop fungiculture, because the cultivation of mushrooms requires in addition to technology throughout the process, a lot of care, affection, time and, dedication. We believe we can add value to this chain and give back fairly to our producers. Therefore, we participate in a network of small and medium-sized producers who grow mushrooms of various species, such as family farming. We work with people, who like us, believe in wealth generation and environmental conservation. HOW WE DO IT We disseminate practices that can contribute to fungiculturists, for a production of mushrooms richer in vitamins and proteins, that is, products that can gain international competitiveness. OUR VALUES Innovation, sustainability, food security throughout the production chain, strengthening of family farming, practicality, teamwork. OUR VISION: To be recognized as an innovative and effective company, making our brand recognized nationally and internationally for our effectiveness in the production of functional foods.

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Kinsho Alimentos Ltda

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer


Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Marli ********
  • icone de telefone +55 55********
  • map-marker Piedade / SP | Brazil

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