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MF International Cargo

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Since 2019



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Door to Door Service


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The Door to Door service is recommended for companies that want an easy way to take care of the transport logistics of their cargo (either on the shipper or the buyer's side). For this, they seek a carrier/cargo agent that has structure to take responsibility for the whole process, end to end. The contracted company, in turn, will elaborate a planning according to the expectations and needs of the shipper or contracting purchaser.
After doing this planning, it's time to put it into practice. The Door to Door service starts when the carrier/agent collects its cargo at its starting point, be it a factory, warehouse or other location defined by the shipper. She will then check if everything is OK with the integrity of the merchandise being transported and the documentation pertaining to it.

From there the transport will be initiated and the contracted company must carry this cargo to the buyer, respecting the route, modal transport and previously stipulated deadline. During this route the shipper and buyer will be able to monitor the status of the cargo through a tracking code.
Once the cargo arrives to the buyer, the carrier/agent makes a survey to, once again, check the integrity of the load. Always remembering that if there is a problem with your merchandise during the journey, it will be protected by the cargo insurance that is usually included in the service.

  • Door to Door Service

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MF International Cargo

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500K - 1M

Sales volume (USD)

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Business type
  • Business Service
  • Other

  • International Cargo Agency

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Oseias ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Guarulhos / SP | Brazil
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