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Rio Encantos Tours

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2014



About Us

Rio Encantos is a Brazilian tour company that was born from the love of art . Headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, city scene of so much history , the agency seeks art that is present in every corner of the beautiful city . The city has a huge diversity of museums and natural beauty and is part of the work of Rio Encantos's tourist guides present this beauty, showing how culture is an intrinsic part of the city and how we live with it.

As tourist guide, we explore the history contained in each building and each work scattered around. We show how the city has evolved from a small populated area and one of the most important and most visited cities in the world and introduce points as the Corcovado and Tijuca Forest are some examples of what there is to see and enjoy this combination of art and beauty natural . Our guides always leave you aware of the points of local culture and history .

Another important project involves the knowledge of the local nightlife tours that value through the different styles of music and dance in the city. Every night, we have a vibrant programming that explores styles like samba, jazz, samba, choro, soul, forró, latin jazz and gaff with the hot pace of the city and the bohemian nights of Rio de Janeiro.

Rio Encantos is one of the pioneers in the history of art work associated with cultural exchange . Creating opportunity for people who come from other countries to know Brazilian students in immersion language in the main cultural centers of the city . For this, we have Bath Culture program, aimed at students of various ages who wish to improve their skills in Portuguese, English and Spanish in addition to learning from those countries.

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Rio Encantos Tours

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Business type

  • tourism
  • cultural exchange
  • agency

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario KELLY ********
  • icone de telefone +55 21********
  • map-marker RIO DE JANEIRO / RJ | Brazil

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