Founded in 2000 with a focus on consulting and services focused on the Call Centers area, SDI started its activities in large companies, being responsible for the implementation and operationalization of 70,000 telephone extensions.
In these 20 years we worked in several national and international clients where we collected various experiences and solutions which allowed us to format a differentiated methodology and assume a new position in the market.
Our Objectives: Serve customers with customized solutions and cost adherent to your business; Maintain a consultative operation focused on continuous improvement; Meet with agility and quality; Provide the best solution with the best cost benefit; Keep our professionals engaged and motivated in the client's business; Use the experience gained with best practices and large projects to serve all our customers.
Our Services: Structured cabling, cameras, microinformatics support, help desk, infrastructure, technology consulting, equipment recycling, semi-new equipment, servers, networks, N1, N2, software, cloud, telephony, PABX