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Sementes Santa Fé

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2013



About Us

We are one of the companies’ market leaders, with differentiated products, logistics, customer service and technical assistance.

With its differential in less than two decades, the company reached all Brazilian states and the world, occupying a prominent position in the scenario of forage seeds.

Today, forage seed is synonymous of "Sementes Santa Fé", according to the disclosure of national surveys of Top of Mind in 2011 and 2012.

About Us:
Since 1995, Seeds Santa Fe has accumulated experience in production and marketing of forage seed and became an important business area in the Midwest and North. In addition to concerns with economic development, exert a key role in the environment.

In 1995, the beginning of our activities in Goiânia-GO. With well-trained technical staff, efficiency and simplicity in solving the problems of its customers, Seeds Santa Fe conquered space and market recognition.
In 2005, worried constantly serve their customers well, the company made the transfer from headquarters to a larger space and acquired latest equipment on the market to improve processing and quality of its products.

In 2011, with a stable economy, the development of agribusiness and the concern of the world with the environment, the company has invested in training, to meet this growing demand, focusing on the recovery of degraded areas.
Things to consider:

• Reduction of degraded pastures: it is estimated that 80% of the pastures of the country are in a state of degradation; pastures recovered wins in increased stocking of grazing animals without opening new areas.

• Expansion of livestock on pasture: this is the area of ​​greatest differential of Brazil in the world (the "green cattle"), both by lower costs Ox created the pasture, and by reducing the risk of diseases related to animals fed diets from by-products of various origins.

• Integrated crop / livestock-forest: Embrapa, in order to reduce the environmental impact and optimize the economic exploitation of rural properties, developed a program with cycles of crop production or growing of trees alternated with cattle in a same area.

• Increased cultural value: the Seeds Santa Fe has always sought to provide and stimulate the market selected seeds of cultural values ​​higher, aiming to lower transport costs, reduced time / machine operation of planting and reducing the risk of cursing.

Because of its location in the city of Goiania - GO, the central region and the areas where they are conducive to the production of the main forage seeds to Santa Fe offers efficient distribution system for their products.

We operate in key areas of livestock and agriculture in the Midwest and northern Brazil, through our representatives and our selected network of resellers. Our team has excellent technical and commercial training, enabling superior service to our customers, from the best indication of the product to be purchased, to the accompaniment of better management at planting.

In 2005, we entered the animal nutrition segment. This division is based in Vila Rica - MT, in Vale do Araguaia. We operate in an area with natural vocation to livestock and where began the process of agricultural expansion, we maintain proximity to our customers and serve the demand of products according to the characteristics and needs of the region.

More about
Sementes Santa Fé

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10M - 50M

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Business type

  • Seeds of forage
  • grazing
  • pasture grass
  • forage crops
  • forage
  • animal nutrition
  • santa fe
  • grass
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Leandro ********
  • icone de telefone +55 62********
  • map-marker Goiânia / GO | Brazil

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